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Date: 14-8-2021
Date: 17-5-2021
Date: 22-5-2021
The convexity coefficient of a region is the probability that the line segment connecting two random points in is contained entirely within . For a convex region, .
For a subset of , let the area of the visible region of a point be denoted , and let the area of be denoted . Then
(Hodge et al. 2010).
The convexity coefficient is in general hard to compute exactly for concave regions even of simple shape. One closed form is that of an annulus with inner radius and outer radius , which has
(Hodge et al. 2010).
Hodge, J.; Marshall, E.; and Patterson, G. "Gerrymandering and Convexity." Coll. Math. J. 41, 312-324, 2010.
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