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Date: 30-5-2021
Date: 4-7-2017
Date: 28-7-2021
A one-sided surface reminiscent of the Möbius strip, attributed to Gourmalin (Bouvier and George 1979, p. 477; Boas 1995). This surface is topologically equivalent to a Klein bottle with a hole in it, and is topologically distinct from the Möbius Strip (Gramain 1984, Stewart 2000b).
Boas, R. P. Jr. "Möbius Shorts." Math. Mag. 68, 127, 1995.
Bouvier, A. and George, M. Dictionaire des mathématiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1979.
Gramain, A. Topology of Surfaces. Moscow, ID: BCS Associates, 1984.
Stewart, I. "Mathematical Recreations: Reader Feedback." Sci. Amer. 282, 111, May 2000a.
Stewart, I. "Mathematical Recreations: Reader Feedback." Sci. Amer. 283, 101, Sep. 2000b.
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