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Date: 1-3-2022
Date: 9-3-2022
Date: 7-4-2022
Let be the resistance distance matrix of a connected graph on nodes. Then Foster's theorems state that
where is the edge set of , and
where the latter sum runs over all pairs of adjacent edges and is the vertex degree of the vertex common to those edges (Palacios 2001).
Foster, R. M. "The Average Impedance of an Electrical Network." In Contributions to Applied Mechanics (Reissner Anniversary Volume). Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Brothers, pp. 333-340, 1949.
Foster, R. M. "An Extension of a Network Theorem Contributions to Applied Mechanics." IRE Trans. Cir. Th. 8, 75-76, 1961.
Klein, D. J. and Randić, M. "Resistance Distance." J. Math. Chem 12, 81-95, 1993.
Palacios, J. L. "Closed-Form Formulas for Kirchhoff Index." Int. J. Quant. Chem. 81, 135-140, 2001.
Tetali, P. "Random Walks and the Effective Resistance of Networks." J. Theor. Prob. 4, 101-109, 1991.
Tetali, P. "An Extension of Foster's Network Theorem." Combin. Prob. Comp. 3, 421-427, 1994.
Weinberg, L. "Kirchhoff's 'Third and Fourth Laws." IRE Trans. Cir. Th. 5, 8-30, 1958.
لصحة القلب والأمعاء.. 8 أطعمة لا غنى عنها
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جامعة الكفيل تحتفي بذكرى ولادة الإمام محمد الجواد (عليه السلام)