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Date: 15-5-2022
Date: 3-4-2022
Date: 26-3-2022
The bandwidth of a connected graph is the minimum matrix bandwidth among all possible adjacency matrices of graphs isomorphic to . Equivalently, it is the minimum graph dilation of a numbering of a graph. Bandwidth is variously denoted , , or .
The bandwidth of the singleton graph is not defined, but the conventions or (Miller 1988) are sometimes adopted.
The bandwidth of a disconnected graph is the maximum of the bandwidths of its connected components.
The bandwidth of a connected graph satisfies the inequalities
(Chinn et al. 1982), where is the vertex count of and is the graph diameter and
where is the chromatic number.
Computing the bandwidth of a graph is NP-hard.
Bounds for the bandwidth of a graph have been considered by (Harper 1964), and the bandwidth of the -cube was determined by Harper (Harper 1966, Wang and Wu 2007, Harper 2010).
Special cases are summarized in the following table.
graph | bandwidth |
antiprism graph | 4 |
cocktail party graph | |
complete bipartite graph | |
complete graph | |
cycle graph | 2 |
grid graph | |
hypercube graph | |
Möbius ladder | 4 |
pan graph | 2 |
path graph | 1 |
prism graph | 4 |
star graph | |
sun graph | |
triangular grid graph | |
wheel graph |
Böttcher, J.; Preussmann, K. P.; Taraz, A.; and Würfl, A. "Bandwidth, Expansion, Treewidth, Separators and Universality for Bounded-Degree Graphs." Eur. J. Combin. 31, 1217-1227, 2010.
Chinn, P. Z.; Chvátalová, J.; Dewdney, A. K.; and Gibbs, N. E. "The Bandwidth Problem for Graphs and Matrices--A Survey." J. Graph Th. 6, 223-254, 1982.
Chvátalová, J. "Optimal Labelling of a Product of Two Paths." Disc. Math. 11, 249-253, 1975.
Harper, L. H. "Optimal Assignments of Numbers to Vertices." J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 12, 131-135, 1964.
Harper, L. H. "Optimal Numberings and Isoperimetric Problems on Graphs." J. Combin. Th. 1, 385-393, 1966.
Harper, L. H. Global Methods for Combinatorial Isoperimetric Problems. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Miller, Z. "A Linear Algorithm for Topological Bandwidth with Degree-Three Trees." SIAM J. Comput. 17, 1018-1035, 1988
.Wang, X. and Wu, X. "Recursive Structure and Bandwidth of Hales-Numbered Hypercube." 27 Aug 2007., D. B. Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, p. 390, 2000.
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