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Date: 20-5-2022
Date: 30-3-2022
Date: 24-2-2022
The scramble number of a graph is a graph invariant developed to aid in the study of gonality of graphs. The scramble number is NP-hard to compute (Echavarria et al. 2021).
The scramble number satisfies
where is the edge connectivity and is the vertex count of .
The scramble number is the most powerful known lower bound on the gonality of a graph and satisfies
where is the vertex connectivity, is the edge connectivity, is the treewidth, and is the gonality of (Harp et al. 2020, Echavarria et al. 2021).
Unfortunately, the scramble number is not quite as well-behaved as treewidth (Echavarria et al. 2021).
Echavarria, M.; Everett, M.; Huang, R.; Jacoby, L.; Morrison, R.; Weber, B. "On the Scramble Number of Graphs." 29 Mar 2021.
Harp, M.; Jackson, E.; Jensen, D.; and Speeter, N. "A New Lower Bound on Graph Gonality." 1 Jun 2020.
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