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Date: 6-3-2022
Date: 19-3-2022
Date: 3-8-2016
Isomorphic factorization colors the edges a given graph with colors so that the colored subgraphs are isomorphic. The graph is then -splittable, with as the divisor, and the subgraph as the factor.
When a complete graph is 2-split, a self-complementary graph results. Similarly, an -regular class 1 graph can be -split into graphs consisting of disconnected edges, making the edge chromatic number.
The complete graph can be 3-split into identical planar graphs.
Some Ramsey numbers have been bounded via isomorphic factorizations. For instance, the complete graph has the Clebsch graph as a factor, proving (Gardner 1989). That is, the complete graph on 16 points can be three-colored so that no triangle of a single color appears. (In 1955, was proven.)
In addition, can be 8-split with the Petersen graph as a factor, or 5-split with a doubled cubical graph as a factor (shown by Exoo in 2005).
The Hoffman-Singleton graph is 7-splittable into edges (shown by Royle in 2004). Whether the Hoffman-Singleton graph is a factor of via another 7-split is an unsolved problem.
Farrugia, A. "Self-complementary Graphs and Generalizations: A Comprehensive Reference Manual." Masters Thesis. University of Malta, 1999.
Gardner, M. "Ramsey Theory." Ch. 17 in Penrose Tiles and Trapdoor Ciphers... and the Return of Dr. Matrix, reissue ed. New York: W. H. Freeman, pp. 231-247, 1989.
West, D. "Hoffman-Singleton Decomposition of ."
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