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Date: 22-3-2022
Date: 17-5-2022
Date: 23-4-2022
A walk of a graph G =(X,E) is a sequence of the form:
where k is an integer ≥ 0, xi are vertices of G, and ei are edges of G such that for i =0,...,k − 1, xi and xi+1 are the end vertices of ei+1. The vertices x0 and xk are the ends of the walk, and we say that they are linked by the walk. The integer k is the length of the walk. A walk may have zero length. It is then reduced to a sequence containing only one vertex. When G is a simple graph, a walk may be simply defined by the sequence (x0,x1,...,xk)of its
vertices. A sub walk of a walk is a walk defined as a subsequence between two vertices of the sequence defining the walk being considered.
A walk is called a trail if its edges ei, for i =1,...,k are all distinct. Wesay that the walk does not go twice through the same edge.
A walk is called a path if its vertices xi, for i =0, 1,...,k are pairwise distinct. It should be noted that a path is necessarily a trail.
The following result is often useful for reasonings where walks are concerned.
Lemma 1.1.
In a graph, if two vertices are connected by a walk then theyare connected by a path.
proof.Given a walk linking the vertices x and x/of a graph G and in which one vertex appears twice:
where xi = xj with 0 ≤ i<j ≤ k. The walk can be shortened by removing the subsequence (sub walk) between xi and xj , which gives a new walk still linking x and x/ .
By repeating this shortening process as long as there is a vertex that can befound twice in the walk, that is as long as the walk is not a path, we end up obtaining a path linking the vertices x and x/ .
Introduction to Graph Theory Second Edition, Douglas B. West , Indian Reprint, 2002,page(19)
Graph Theory and Applications ,Jean-Claude Fournier,WILEY,page(29-31)
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