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Date: 9-10-2016
Date: 3-10-2016
Date: 9-10-2016
Consider the linear system of ODE:
for given matrices M ∈ Mn×n and N ∈ Mn×m. We will again take A to be the cube [−1, 1] m ⊂ Rm.
Define next
where τ = τ (α(.)) denotes the first time the solution of our ODE (1.1) hits the origin 0. (If the trajectory never hits 0, we set τ = ∞.)
OPTIMAL TIME PROBLEM: We are given the starting point x0 ∈ Rn, and want to find an optimal control α∗(.) such that
Then τ∗= −P[α∗ (.)] is the minimum time to steer to the origin.
THEOREM 1.1 (EXISTENCE OF TIME-OPTIMAL CONTROL). Let x0 ∈ Rn. Then there exists an optimal bang-bang control α∗(.).
Proof. Let τ ∗ := inf{t | x0 ∈ C(t)}. We want to show that x0 ∈ C(τ ∗); that is, there exists an optimal control α∗(.) steering x0 to 0 at time τ ∗.
Choose t1 ≥ t2 ≥ t3 ≥ . . . so that x0 ∈ C(tn) and tn → τ∗. Since x0 ∈ C(tn), there exists a control αn(.) ∈ A such that
If necessary, redefine αn(s) to be 0 for tn ≤ s. By Alaoglu’s Theorem, there exists a subsequence nk → ∞ and a control α∗(.) so that αn∗⇀ α∗ .
We assert that α∗(.) is an optimal control. It is easy to check that α∗(s) = 0, s ≥ τ∗. Also
because α∗(s) = 0 for s ≥ τ∗. Hence x0 ∈ C(τ ∗), and therefore α∗(.) is optimal.
According to Theorem (EXTREMALITY AND BANG-BANG PRINCIPLE) there in fact exists an optimal bang-bang control.
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