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Date: 6-10-2016
Date: 9-10-2016
Date: 6-10-2016
EXAMPLE 1: DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO SETS. As a first and simple example, let
for A = S1, the unit sphere in R2: a ∈ S1 if and only if |a|2 = a21 +a22 = 1. In other words, we are considering only curves that move with unit speed.
We take
We want to minimize the length of the curve and, as a check on our general theory, will prove that the minimum is of course a straight line.
Using the maximum principle. We have
H(x, p, a) = f (x, a) p + r(x, a)
= a . p − 1 = p1a1 + p2a2 − 1.
The adjoint dynamics equation (ADJ) says
p˙ (t) = −∇xH(x(t), p(t),α(t)) = 0,
and therefore
p(t) ≡ constant = p0= 0.
The maximization principle (M) tells us that
The right hand side is maximized by
a unit vector that points in the same
direction of p0. Thus α(.) ≡ a0 is constant in time. According then to (ODE) we have x˙ = a0, and consequently x(.) is a straight line.
Finally, the transversality conditions say that
(T) p(0) ⊥ T0, p(t1) ⊥ T1.
In other words, p0 ⊥ T0 and p0 ⊥ T1; and this means that the tangent planes T0 and T1 are parallel.
Now all of this is pretty obvious from the picture, but it is reassuring that the general theory predicts the proper answer.
EXAMPLE 2: COMMODITY TRADING. Next is a simple model for the trading of a commodity, say wheat. We let T be the fixed length of trading period, and introduce the variables
x1 (t) = money on hand at time t
x2 (t) = amount of wheat owned at time t
α(t) = rate of buying or selling of wheat
q(t) = price of wheat at time t (known)
λ = cost of storing a unit amount of wheat for a unit of time.
We suppose that the price of wheat q(t) is known for the entire trading period 0 ≤ t ≤ T (although this is probably unrealistic in practice). We assume also that the rate of selling and buying is constrained:
|α(t)| ≤ M,
where α(t) > 0 means buying wheat, and α(t) < 0 means selling.
Our intention is to maximize our holdings at the end time T, namely the sum of the cash on hand and the value of the wheat we then own:
(P) P[α(.)] = x1 (T) + q(T)x2 (T).
The evolution is
This is a nonautonomous (= time dependent) case, but it turns out that the Pontryagin Maximum Principle still applies.
Using the maximum principle. What is our optimal buying and selling strategy? First, we compute the Hamiltonian
H(x, p, t, a) = f. p + r = p1(−λx2 − q(t)a) + p2a,
since r ≡ 0. The adjoint dynamics read
with the terminal condition
(T) p(T) = ∇g(x(T)).
In our case g(x1, x2) = x1 + q(T)x2, and hence
We then can solve for the costate:
The maximization principle (M) tells us that
CRITIQUE. In some situations the amount of money on hand x1(.) becomes negative for part of the time. The economic problem has a natural constraint x2 ≥ 0 (unless we can borrow with no interest charges) which we did not take into account in the mathematical model.
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