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Date: 5-4-2017
Date: 16-12-2020
Date: 24-5-2016
Units of Reactivity
Reactivity is a dimensionless number. It does not have dimensions of time, length, mass, or any combination of these dimensions. It is simply a ratio of two quantities that are dimensionless. As shown in the calculation in the previous example, the value of reactivity is often a small decimal value. In order to make this value easier to express, artificial units are defined.
By definition, the value for reactivity that results directly is in units of Δk/k. Alternative units for reactivity are %Δk/k and pcm (percent millirho). The conversions between these units of reactivity are shown below.
Another unit of reactivity that is used at some reactors is equivalent to 10-4 Δk/k. This unit of reactivity does not have a unique name. Special units for reactivity that do have unique names are dollars and cents.
If the reactivity is known, the effective multiplication factor can be determined by solving for keff in terms of the reactivity. This results in the following relationship.
Reactivity must be in units of Δk/k for use in Equation (1-1).
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