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Date: 11-7-2021
Date: 27-6-2021
Date: 7-7-2021
Definition Let p: X˜ → X be a covering map over a topological space X. A deck transformation of the covering space X˜ is a homeomorphism g: X˜ → X˜ of X˜ with the property that p ◦ g = p.
Let p: X˜ → X be a covering map over some topological space X. The deck transformations of the covering space X~ constitute a group of homeomorphisms of that covering space (where the group operation is the usual operation of composition of homeomorphisms). We shall denote this group by Deck(X˜|X).
Lemma 1.12 Let p: X˜ → X be a covering map, where the covering space X˜ is connected. Let g ∈ Deck(X˜|X) be a deck transformation that is not equal to the identity map. Then g(w) ≠ w for all w ∈ X˜.
Proof The result follows immediately on applying Proposition (Let p: X˜ → X be a covering map, let Z be a connected topological space, and let g:Z → X˜ and h:Z → X˜ be continuous maps. Suppose that p ◦ g = p ◦ h and that g(z) = h(z) for some z ∈ Z. Then g = h.).
Proposition 1.13 Let p: X˜ → X be a covering map, where the covering space X˜ is connected. Then the group Deck(X˜|X) of deck transformations acts freely and properly discontinuously on the covering space X˜.
Proof Let w be a point of the covering space X˜. Then there exists an evenly-covered open set U in X such that p(w) ∈ U. Then the preimage p−1 (U) of U in X˜ is a disjoint union of open subsets, where each of these open subsets is mapped homeomorphically onto U by the covering map.
One of these subsets contains the point w: let this open set be U˜. Let g: X˜ → X˜ be a deck transformation. Suppose that U˜ ∩ g(U˜) is non-empty. Then there exist w1, w2 ∈ U˜ such that g(w1) = w2. But then p(w2) =p(g(w1)) = p(w1), and therefore w2 = w1, since the covering map p maps U˜ homeomorphically and thus injectively onto U. Thus g(w1) = w1. It then follows from Lemma 1.12 that the deck transformation g is the identity map. We conclude that U˜ ∩ g(U˜) = ∅ for all deck transformations g other than the identity map of X˜. This shows that Deck(X˜|X) acts freely and properly discontinuously on X˜, as required.
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