Covering Maps and Discontinuous Group Actions-Deck Transformations of Locally Path-Connected Coverings |
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Proposition 1.23 Let X be a topological space which is connected and locally path-connected, let X˜ be a connected topological space, let p: X˜ → X be a covering map over X, and let w1 and w2 be points of the covering space X˜.
Then there exists a deck transformation h: X˜ → X˜ sending w1 to w2 if and only if p#(π1(X, w˜1)) = p#(π1(X, w˜2)), in which case the deck transformation sending w1 to w2 is uniquely determined.
Proof The proposition follows immediately on applying Theorem 1.21.
Corollary 1.24 Let X be a topological space which is connected and locally path-connected, let p: X˜ → X be a covering map over X, where the covering space X˜ is connected. Suppose that p#(π1(X, w˜1)) is a normal subgroup of π1(X, p(w1)). Then, given any points w1 and w2 of the covering space X˜ satisfying p(w1) = p(w2), there exists a unique deck transformation h: X˜ → X˜ satisfying h(w1) = w2.
Proof The covering space X˜ is both locally path-connected (by Proposition 1.16) and connected, and is therefore path-connected (by Corollary 1.17).
It follows that p#(π1(X, w˜1)) and p#(π1(X, w˜2)) are conjugate subgroups of π1(X, p(w1)) (Lemma 1.7). But then p#(π1(X, w˜1)) = p#(π1(X, w˜2)), since p#(π1(X, w˜1)) is a normal subgroup of π1(X, p(w1)). The result now follows from Proposition 1.23.
Theorem 1.25 Let p: X˜ → X be a covering map over some topological space X which is both connected and locally path-connected, and let x0 and x˜0 be points of X and X˜ respectively satisfying p(x˜0) = x0. Suppose that X˜ is connected and that p#(π1(X˜, x˜0)) is a normal subgroup of π1(X, x0).
Then the group Deck(X˜|X) of deck transformations is isomorphic to the corresponding quotient group π1(X, x0)/p#(π1(X˜, x˜0)).
Proof Let G be the group Deck(X˜|X) of deck transformations of X˜. Then the group G acts freely and properly discontinuously on X˜ (Proposition 1.13).
Let q: X → X/G ˜ be the quotient map onto the orbit space X/G. Elements w1 and w2 of X˜ satisfy w2 = g(w1) for some g ∈ G if and only if p(w1) = p(w2).
It follows that there is a continuous map h: X/G ˜ → X for which h ◦ q = p.
This map h is a bijection. Moreover it maps open sets to open sets, for if W is some open set in X/G ˜ then q−1 (W) is an open set in X˜, and therefore p(q−1 (W)) is an open set in X, since any covering map maps open sets to open sets. But p(q−1 (W)) = h(W). Thus h: X/G ˜ → X is a continuous bijection that maps open sets to open sets, and is therefore a homeomorphism. The fundamental group of the topological space X is thus isomorphic to that of the orbit space X/G ˜ . It follows from Proposition 1.9 that there exists a surjective homomorphism from π1(X, x0) to the group G of deck transformations of the covering space. The kernel of this homomorphism is p#(π1(X˜, x˜0)). The result then follows directly from the fact that the image of a group homomorphism is isomorphic to the quotient of the domain by the kernel of the homomorphism.
Corollary 1.26 Let p: X˜ → X be a covering map over some topological space X which is both connected and locally path-connected, and let x0 be a point of X. Suppose that X˜ is simply-connected. Then Deck(X˜|X)≅ π1(X, x0).
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