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علم الفيزياء : الفيزياء الحديثة : الليزر : مواضيع عامة في الليزر :

The Homogeneously Broadened Line

المؤلف:  Walter Koechner Michael Bass

المصدر:  Solid-state Lasers

الجزء والصفحة:  22



The Homogeneously Broadened Line

The essential feature of a homogeneously broadened atomic transition is that every atom has the same atomic lineshape and frequency response, so that a signal applied to the transition has exactly the same effect on all atoms in the collection. This means that within the linewidth of the energy level each atom has the same probability function for a transition.
Differences between homogeneously and inhomogeneously broadened transitions show up in the saturation behavior of these transitions. This has a major effect on the laser operation. The important point about a homogeneous lineshape is that the transition will saturate uniformly under the influence of a sufficiently strong signal applied anywhere within the atomic linewidth. Mechanisms which result in a homogeneously broadened line are lifetime broadening, collision broadening, dipolar broadening, and thermal broadening.

Lifetime Broadening. This type of broadening is caused by the decay mechanisms of the atomic system. Spontaneous emission or fluorescence has a radiative lifetime. Broadening of the atomic transition due to this process is related to the fluorescence lifetime τ21 by Δωaτ21 = 1, where ωa is the bandwidth. Actually, physical situations in which the lineshape and linewidth are determined by the spontaneous emission process itself are vanishingly rare. Since the natural or intrinsic linewidth of an atomic line is extremely small, it is the linewidth that would be observed from atoms at rest without interaction with one another.
Collision Broadening. Collision of radiating particles (atoms or molecules) with one another and the consequent interruption of the radiative process in a random manner leads to broadening. Since an atomic collision interrupts either the emission or the absorption of radiation, the long wave train that otherwise would be present becomes truncated. The atom restarts its motion after the collision with a completely random initial phase. After the collision, the process is restarted without memory of the phase of the radiation prior to the collision. The result of frequent collisions is the presence of many truncated radiative or absorptive processes.
Since the spectrum of a wave train is inversely proportional to the length of the train, the linewidth of the radiation in the presence of collision is greater than that of an individual uninterrupted process.
Collision broadening is observed in gas lasers operated at higher pressures, hence the name pressure broadening. At higher pressures, collisions between gas atoms limit their radiative lifetime. Collision broadening, therefore, is quite similar to lifetime broadening, in that the collisions interrupt the initial state of the atoms.
Dipolar Broadening. Dipolar broadening arises from interactions between the magnetic or electric dipolar fields of neighboring atoms. This interaction leads to results very similar to collision broadening, including a linewidth that increases with increasing density of atoms. Since dipolar broadening represents a kind of coupling between atoms, so that excitation applied to one atom is distributed or shared with other atoms, dipolar broadening is a homogeneous broadening mechanism.
Thermal Broadening. Thermal broadening is brought about by the effect of the thermal lattice vibrations on the atomic transition. The thermal vibrations of the lattice surrounding the active ions modulate the resonance frequency of each ion at a very high frequency. This frequency modulation represents a coupling mechanism between the ions, therefore a homogeneous linewidth is obtained. Thermal broadening is the mechanism responsible for the linewidth of the ruby laser and Nd :YAG laser.
The lineshape of homogeneous broadening mechanisms lead to a Lorentzian lineshape for atomic response. For the normalized Lorentz distribution, the equation


is valid. Here, ν0 is the center frequency and Δν is the width between the halfpower points of the curve. The factor Δν/2π assures normalization of the area. The peak value for the Lorentz curve is



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