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Date: 29-3-2017
Date: 29-3-2017
Date: 27-3-2017
Fixed Burnable Poisons
During operation of a reactor the amount of fuel contained in the core constantly decreases. If the reactor is to operate for a long period of time, fuel in excess of that needed for exact criticality must be added when the reactor is built. The positive reactivity due to the excess fuel must be balanced with negative reactivity from neutron-absorbing material. Moveable control rods containing neutron-absorbing material are one method used to offset the excess fuel. Control rods will be discussed in detail in a later chapter. Using control rods alone to balance the excess reactivity may be undesirable or impractical for several reasons. One reason for a particular core design may be that there is physically insufficient room for the control rods and their large mechanisms.
To control large amounts of excess fuel without adding additional control rods, burnable poisons are loaded into the core. Burnable poisons are materials that have a high neutron absorption cross section that are converted into materials of relatively low absorption cross section as the result of neutron absorption. Due to the burnup of the poison material, the negative reactivity of the burnable poison decreases over core life. Ideally, these poisons should decrease their negative reactivity at the same rate the fuel's excess positive reactivity is depleted. Fixed burnable poisons are generally used in the form of compounds of boron or gadolinium that are shaped into separate lattice pins or plates, or introduced as additives to the fuel. Since they can usually be distributed more uniformly than control rods, these poisons are less disruptive to the core power distribution.
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