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Reversibility in mechanics
المؤلف: Richard Feynman, Robert Leighton and Matthew Sands
المصدر: The Feynman Lectures on Physics
الجزء والصفحة: Volume I, Chapter 46
What deeper mechanical principle tells us that, in the long run, if the temperature is kept the same everywhere, our gadget will turn neither to the right nor to the left? We evidently have a fundamental proposition that there is no way to design a machine which, left to itself, will be more likely to be turning one way than the other after a long enough time. We must try to see how this follows from the laws of mechanics.
The laws of mechanics go something like this: the mass times the acceleration is the force, and the force on each particle is some complicated function of the positions of all the other particles. There are other situations in which forces depend on velocity, such as in magnetism, but let us not consider that now. We take a simpler case, such as gravity, where forces depend only on position. Now suppose that we have solved our set of equations and we have a certain motion x(t) for each particle. In a complicated enough system, the solutions are very complicated, and what happens with time turns out to be very surprising. If we write down any arrangement we please for the particles, we will see this arrangement actually occur if we wait long enough! If we follow our solution for a long enough time, it tries everything that it can do, so to speak. This is not absolutely necessary in the simplest devices, but when systems get complicated enough, with enough atoms, it happens. Now there is something else the solution can do. If we solve the equations of motion, we may get certain functions such as t+t2+t3. We claim that another solution would be −t+t2−t3. In other words, if we substitute −t everywhere for t throughout the entire solution, we will once again get a solution of the same equation. This follows from the fact that if we substitute −t for t in the original differential equation, nothing is changed, since only second derivatives with respect to t appear. This means that if we have a certain motion, then the exact opposite motion is also possible. In the complete confusion which comes if we wait long enough, it finds itself going one way sometimes, and it finds itself going the other way sometimes. There is nothing more beautiful about one of the motions than about the other. So it is impossible to design a machine which, in the long run, is more likely to be going one way than the other, if the machine is sufficiently complicated.
One might think up an example for which this is obviously untrue. If we take a wheel, for instance, and spin it in empty space, it will go the same way forever. So there are some conditions, like the conservation of angular momentum, which violate the above argument. This just requires that the argument be made with a little more care. Perhaps the walls take up the angular momentum, or something like that, so that we have no special conservation laws. Then, if the system is complicated enough, the argument is true. It is based on the fact that the laws of mechanics are reversible.
For historical interest, we would like to remark on a device invented by Maxwell, who first worked out the dynamical theory of gases. He supposed the following situation: We have two boxes of gas at the same temperature, with a little hole between them. At the hole sits a little demon (who may be a machine of course!). There is a door on the hole, which can be opened or closed by the demon. He watches the molecules coming from the left. Whenever he sees a fast molecule, he opens the door. When he sees a slow one, he leaves it closed. If we want him to be an extra special demon, he can have eyes at the back of his head, and do the opposite to the molecules from the other side. He lets the slow ones through to the left, and the fast through to the right. Pretty soon the left side will get cold and the right side hot. Then, are the ideas of thermodynamics violated because we could have such a demon?
It turns out, if we build a finite-sized demon, that the demon himself gets so warm that he cannot see very well after a while. The simplest possible demon, as an example, would be a trap door held over the hole by a spring. A fast molecule comes through, because it is able to lift the trap door. The slow molecule cannot get through, and bounces back. But this thing is nothing but our ratchet and pawl in another form, and ultimately the mechanism will heat up. If we assume that the specific heat of the demon is not infinite, it must heat up. It has but a finite number of internal gears and wheels, so it cannot get rid of the extra heat that it gets from observing the molecules. Soon it is shaking from Brownian motion so much that it cannot tell whether it is coming or going, much less whether the molecules are coming or going, so it does not work.