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Date: 1-7-2017
Date: 10-8-2016
Date: 16-7-2017
We can demonstrate the relationship between the volume and the amount of a gas by filling a balloon; as we add more gas, the balloon gets larger. The specific quantitative relationship was discovered by the Italian chemist Amedeo Avogadro, who recognized the importance of Gay-Lussac’s work on combining volumes of gases. In 1811, Avogadro postulated that, at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain the same number of gaseous particles (Figure 1.1). This is the historic “Avogadro’s hypothesis.”
Figure 1.1 : Avogadro’s Hypothesis. Equal volumes of four different gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of gaseous particles. Because the molar mass of each gas is different, the mass of each gas sample is different even though all contain 1 mol of gas.
A logical corollary to Avogadro's hypothesis (sometimes called Avogadro’s law) describes the relationship between the volume and the amount of a gas: At constant temperature and pressure, the volume of a sample of gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas in the sample. Stated mathematically,
This relationship is valid for most gases at relatively low pressures, but deviations from strict linearity are observed at elevated pressures.
For a sample of gas,
The relationships among the volume of a gas and its pressure, temperature, and amount are summarized in Figure 1.1. Volume increases with increasing temperature or amount, but decreases with increasing pressure.
Figure 1.2 : The Empirically Determined Relationships among Pressure, Volume, Temperature, and Amount of a Gas. The thermometer and pressure gauge indicate the temperature and the pressure qualitatively, the level in the flask indicates the volume, and the number of particles in each flask indicates relative amounts.
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